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Beyond the Field: Jaylen Tregle's Passion for Football and Faith

Years ago, a young Jayle Tregle was enjoying playing youth football, as an offensive lineman. One unlucky game, the team’s running back went down with an injury. The team turned to Tregle, and gave him the rock. The young offensive lineman put on a spectacular performance, scoring 3 touchdowns for his team. The rest is history. 

Jaylen Tregle is now a 25 year old football player, enjoying his first professional season overseas with the Catalans Grizzlys in France’s Division 1 Elite. Originally from Vallejo, California, Tregle has a great football journey he would like to share with the world.

Early Life and Entry into Football

Where did you grow up, and how has your hometown influenced your football journey?

I grew up in the San Francisco/ Bay Area of California. My hometown is Vallejo, California. Growing up, I admired a lot of hometown athletes of various sports. I got to witness Cj Anderson play and train while I was young. These hometown athletes were an inspiration for me to make a mark in sports in order to set an example for others coming behind me.

What sparked your interest in football, and who were your early influences in the sport?

My earliest memories of my interest in football starts at 7 years old. My brother had played football, but I didn’t pay much attention. It was when I met one of my baseball coaches, that I started to be more invested in football. My baseball coach had also coached football; he would tell me how great of a football player I would be. After that, I would begin to watch football more and eventually go play for him at 8 years old in youth football.

Football Journey

Can you walk us through your football journey, from your early days to where you are now?

I started playing football at 8 years old. I played offensive line and then eventually switched over to running back. I then switched to quarterback once I started high school. I played 1 year junior varsity and started 3 years on varsity. In my college career,  I played at many places. I went from redshirting NAIA, to playing a few years in Junior College to finishing off my career at the NCAA D2 level.

What are some of the proudest moments in your football career?

I would say my proudest moment of my football career so far is winning the North Coast Section Championship in high school and also being selected in high school to play in the East-West Blue-Grey All-American Game.

Getting Personal

Are there any personal stories or challenges you’ve faced that have significantly shaped your journey?

At 6 years old, I lost my mother from terminal lung cancer. She was the one to introduce me to my faith. At that time, I had a lot of questions about life and what the meaning of it was. I had to think about things beneath the surface. That moment of my life made the craziest change. I began to give my life to Jesus Christ and my faith has carried me through my football career and my life.

Beyond football, what are some of your interests or passions?

I have a passion for helping others heal. I desire to start my own holistic wellness coaching service that focuses on helping people change their physiology and psyche for the better. I do my best to give back to my community. I usually try to volunteer at churches I’m affiliated with at home, and fellowship groups that donate to our communities.

Playing Style and Impact

How would you describe your playing style and the skills that set you apart on the field?

I would say I’m a 60/40 dual threat passer. 60 being the passing and 40, the running. I can make every throw on the field, near or far hash. The best part of my game is my ability to improvise. 

In what ways do you believe you’ve made an impact on the sport of football or inspired others?

I believe I’ve made an impact on football by way of my transparency and my hard work. I think a lot of my teammates and coaches could say I was one of the hardest workers on each team. Also, I’ve made countless relationships through football that could only happen through me being real with others. I’ve always earned my respect as a leader through showing people who I was completely.

Future Outlook

What is your current role within your team or the league, and how do you see it evolving?

My current role is the starting quarterback of the Grizzlys and one of the leaders of the team. I lead the offense but I also strive to lead my team on the football field and the way we conduct ourselves away from the field. I only see myself gaining more respect and responsibility within these roles.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations and what goals do you hope to achieve in your future football endeavors? 

I hope to play football until my body tells me to stop. I hope to reach the top of European football. The top goal is to land a shot in the NFL or CFL. As of now, my nearest goal is winning the championship for my current season.


In your own words, how would you summarize your legacy and the mark you’ve left in football?

From a child until now, my football journey has been a bumpy road. It’s been bittersweet. I’ve had moments where I’ve wanted to quit and moments where I felt on top of the world. I’ve made many good relationships from football. I’ve inspired others to continue playing when they were close to quitting. Also, my football journey has inspired people outside of sports to pursue their passions with a full head of steam. 

All of these things are not for my own glory. I bring all this attention to myself and redirect to Jesus. My purpose for playing football is bigger than the sport itself and it’s what drives me to continue to play. I may fail and lose battles, but I will never be denied. 


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