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Inside the Game: Gazi Warriors HC Talks Turkish American Football League

Ahead of the upcoming season starting on March 9th, İlter Havuçgil, General Manager of the Turkish National Team and longtime Head Coach of Gazi Warriors, provides insights. He evaluates pre-season team status, highlights critical moves for success, identifies key players, and predicts young talents to watch. Grateful for his time, I thank him for an enjoyable interview. Enjoy the read!


Koç Rams (#1 in Regular Season, Defending Champions)

Let's start with last year's champion, Koç Rams. How are things looking for Koç Rams before the season? 

Koç Rams were last year's champions. We could visibly see some issues in their passing offense last year. There is a quarterback change this year. If they don't make a new transfer, Burakhan Bahar seems to be the starting Quarterback.Their running plays and execution by the offensive line are very good. They demonstrated this last year. The Rams play simple, trying to execute the fundamentals of American Football. They're not a team that experiments with very different plays. Their motto is already "Good rushing offense, good defense." 

They already have our National Team's Head Coach Batur Kaplan, and this year, our National Team's Offensive Coordinator Mert Pala will also serve as the Quarterback Coach, and our national team's offensive line coach Emir Can Kefeli is also there. Therefore, their organization is very strong; they're already a former ELF team. They're one of the biggest contenders this year.



What should Koç Rams focus on to succeed this year?

I know they lost a lot of defensive players from their box this year. They are a team that likes to play 4-2 or 3-3, 3-4. Almost 4-5 players have left the team. How they will adapt to this situation is a bit of a question mark. But they have a culture of developing players, especially from different University League teams. So, I think they will adapt.



Who are the key players that will contribute the most to Koç Rams' performance this year?


This year's key player will be Running back Aytaç Mercan again, one of the best ball carriers in the league. Also, Atilla Işık, ELF's 2022 Defensive Rookie of the Year, will probably play as a receiver this year, and he's said to be in great shape.



Is there a young talent you expect to break out this year?


Their wide receiver Bartu Memiş.


Istanbul Bisons (#3 in Regular Season, Runner Up)

Let's continue with last year's finalist, Istanbul Bisons. How are things going for the organization as they enter their second year?


Bisons joined last year as a new organization. Unlike other teams in the league, they aren’t a university-based team; they formed an organization by veteran players from Sakarya which moved to İstanbul. Their organizational structure is relatively new, and we noticed a few shortcomings last year. However, they have very experienced players, especially on the defensive side. I can say that they make up a significant portion of our national team defense. They stood out as the least conceding defense last year. They also underwent a quarterback change last season. These changes seem to have worked. 

They also added Ozan Özcan, one of the most experienced players in the league, to their receiver corps. Their quarterback, Tolga Törün, played very well in the final last season and he seems ready to explode this year too. In my opinion, the area they need to improve on is that they can still panic a lot during games, they haven't established a winning culture. Although they made it to the final, that's what I saw. Apart from that, sometimes a lack of concentration stands out. Other than that, there aren't many big problems. What surprised me last year was that their offense showed up to be at a close level to their defense. I didn't expect that.



What should Bisons focus on to succeed this year?


Are they really a winning team, or was it just a one-year success? They need to prove this mentally. Things didn't go bad last year, but how the team reacts when things go bad, I think, is an important part.



Who are the key players that will play a significant role in Bisons' success this year?


I think this year it will be their quarterback, Tolga. Ufuk Eren Özelçe is also an important player; he was one of the best players last year and played a critical role in our victory against Ireland with a critical interception in the national team game.



Do you have a young talent you expect to break out this season?


I can mention Edham Ashour as a young player to watch. He was quite effective in the pro league last year. As far as I know, he has around 6-7 touchdowns.


Boğaziçi Sultans (#2 in Regular Season, Semifinalist)

Let's continue with last year's semifinalist, Boğaziçi. How are things looking for Boğaziçi as the new season approaches?


Boğaziçi is one of the oldest and most established clubs in the country. It can be said that it is the first club that comes to mind when American Football is mentioned in Türkiye. They have a winning tradition. Especially when they won the championship in 2022. They started the season very poorly, made it to the playoffs with a losing record, and managed to win the championship; they have a philosophy of "It’s not over until Boğaziçi says it's over." 

They do some things very well, and I think there are things they haven't developed much. They can play very typical vertical passing plays by heart; they have a culture in passing concepts. Furkan Beyaz has been doing a good job in their running attacks for 2 years. I can't give the same praise for their offensive lines. They sometimes have problems, especially with snaps. Their defense also has been one of the most successful defenses in the country for years. They have a very successful Defensive Coordinator. I don’t see big flaws in their defense.



What should Boğaziçi focus on to reach their goals this season?

Because there are many teams in Istanbul, players can go to different teams. I see a lack of depth in their squad. Therefore, the biggest question is whether they can stay healthy. It's a fact that the team is getting a little older, and some important players were injured last year.



Who are the star players that will be influential in Boğaziçi's success?


I say wide receiver Adil Güngör. He's the best player in my opinion. I can also say running back Furkan Beyaz, but I'm not sure if he will play for Boğaziçi this year. Lastly, Caner Dündar, the safety who has been playing for them for years.



Is there a young talent you expect to break out this season?


Fırat Elmas, their cornerback, plays quarterback in the university league. He's a very athletic and talented player.


METU Falcons (#4 in Regular Season, Semifinalist)

Let's move on to the METU Falcons, where I also play. As one of last year's semifinalists, how are things looking for Falcons before the new season?


ODTÜ is the most eagerly anticipated team of the year. Since I am also the Head Coach of Gazi Warriors, we will face them in the first week. They have a long winning streak against us. The most noticeable change in ODTÜ is that they switched from flexbone offense, which they have been playing for a long time, to spread offense. 

Of course, we watched the University League matches related to this, and they gave good performances, but there were still situations they were not used to. Also there have been times when their defense couldn't reflect the quality of their squad both last year and the previous year. They sometimes gave up unexpected big plays. The biggest difference in their defense this year is that they seem to have adapted a field general. Linebacker Deniz Külbay is a player who can often finish the play all alone on defense this year. I hope we will see him in the national team as well.



What should Falcons do this year to progress towards success?


They need to maintain their defensive stability and the offensive line's adaptation to spread offense. Especially as we've seen in the university league, they can have a great drive and then have a very unsuccessful drive right after. Here, as a quarterback, you also need to be able to stay mentally correct on the field.



Who are the key players expected to contribute significantly to the Falcons' success?


Rafet Gökçe and Deniz Külbay.



Is there a young talent we should keep an eye on in our team?


Mustafa Durmuş, the offensive tackle, who I also closely follow. Physically, he might be the most suitable player for the Offensive Tackle position in Türkiye.


Izmir Halcyons (#5 in Regular Season)

Finishing 5th last year and just coming up short for the playoffs, let's talk about Izmir Halcyons. With the season approaching, how are things in Izmir?


As Izmir's only team, it can be said that it is the largest organization established in Izmir for many years. It's a 2-year-old organization; they won the championship in the 2nd League previous year and were promoted to the 1st League, narrowly missing the playoffs last season. Our national team's Defensive Coordinator Taner Ongun is also in İzmir. 

They had a tough, aggressive, and good defense last year. As if this wasn't enough, they also added one of the national team starters, Ahmet Cem Uğur from Koç Rams, to their defensive box. Therefore, they have 5 people in their 7-person fronts who have national team experience. It looks scary. But as far as I understand, their offense seems to be more problematic than last year. Their offensive coordinator Mert Aylin also left.



What should Halcyons do to be successful this year?


How much their offense can keep up with their defense is a bit critical. I can say that they are the team with the biggest difference between offense and defense among the teams in the league.



Who are the key players expected to stand out in Izmir this year?


Defensive End Mikail Tatlı and Linebacker Ahmet Cem Uğur, who will play for the team for the first time this year.



Is there a young talent you think should be watched in Izmir?


Linebacker Tarık Alper Görür comes to mind, but I'm not sure about his age. If there are other players, let’s apologize to them.


ITÜ Hornets (#6 in Regular Season)

Let's talk about ITÜ Hornets, who finished last season in 6th place. How are things going for ITÜ?


ITÜ is one of the most interesting teams in the country. They have never played in a final in the professional league. But they always maintain a certain standard. Although they may have the best squad every year, they face problems statistically. 

I know they have very good players again this year. I know Yiğit Timer, one of the talented quarterbacks in the country, will play for ITÜ this year. They have good players coming from different college teams. But as far as I know, there are shortcomings in the offensive line. Two of our national team players won't play for them. Also, I think their defense performed very poorly last year, they were not solid at all.



What would make ITÜ successful this year?


Covering their deficiencies in the offensive line. Also, showing determination defensively.



Who are the star players that are likely to contribute the most to ITÜ's success?


I think their best two players are the twins, running back Türker Alan, and safety Ertürk Alan.



Do you see any young talent from the team this year?


Linebacker Doruk Yetim, I don't know his age, but he caught my eye recently. He performed well last season.


Gazi Warriors (#7 in Regular Season)

Finishing last season in 7th place and remaining in the league, let's talk about Gazi Warriors on your side. Are things going well for you before the season?


Gazi Warriors, where I am the Head Coach, is one of Türkiye’s oldest and most established teams. It's a team in the process of rebuilding. After the dominant years of the past, we have been playing with younger squads for the last 4-5 years. We have a culture, especially in terms of defense. We are seen as one of the best defenses in the university league too. 

Ensar Korkut's long-term injury hurt our offense last season, resulting in minimal scoring and only one win. However, his return, along with experienced receivers joining and Emre Özdemir's presence as a running back, boosts our offensive hopes this year. Defensively, a young defensive back squad with the support of National Team Defensive Backs Coach Ermir Gjoka, shows promise. While our winning culture was fading, finishing as group leader in the university league indicates our competitiveness.



What should you do this year to take critical steps towards success?


Our defense needs to absorb Emre's playing in offense. We also need to show determination in offense and the good players should be able to adapt to each other.



Who are the key players expected to contribute significantly to your team's success this year?


Running back/Safety Emre Özdemir and Defensive Tackle Cem Yöndem.



Do you have a young talent to watch out for in your team this year?


Wide Receiver Tuğra Akkaş.


IÜ Bulls (Division 2 Champions, Promoted to Division 1)

Finally, let's talk about IÜ Bulls, the champion of the 2nd League last year. Also known as Istanbulls, are they ready for their first season in the 1st League?


Istanbulls were promoted to the league as the champion of the 2nd League last year, and also won the championship in the university league last year. They have a very interesting structure; they gather players from many parts of Anatolia who have settled in Istanbul. And they really seem to have been able to turn these players into a team. And they haven't lost for a long time. 

Perhaps playing in the lower league may have an effect, but Taha Çokadar, Türkiye’s starter running back, is already a symbol there. Just his presence puts the team in a competitive position. Their offensive line rotations also seem good to me. In defense, Salih may not play this year due to injury, but Salih Özdemir and Onur Duzcu are two linebackers from our national team. Salih is one of the players the coach lost from the box. But among skill players, there are a few names other than Taha that stand out, but who will be their quarterback and how well they will adapt to the 1st league, these are a bit of a question mark. I also don't know about the state of their defensive back units.


Keys To Success

What should the Istanbul Bulls do to be successful this year?


The adaptation of defensive backs to the league and the establishing a balance between running game and passing game offensively.


Key Players 

Who are the key players expected to carry the torch this year for the İstanbul Bulls?


Taha Çokadar and Onur Duzcu.


Hot Prospect

Will there be new stars in the league from the new team? Do you expect a young talent to emerge this year?


Baki Serin, their safety, was one of my favorite players last year.



Here we have completed our review with İlter Havuçgil before the start of the new season. I thank him for his evaluations. We are all very excited for the start of this highly competitive league. I hope it will be an injury-free and enjoyable season. Thank you for reading.


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